IHCantabria has created a set of tutorials with the aim of introducing the use of IHFOAM for applications associated with coastal and offshore engineering.
A series of self-explanatory tutorials have been developed, which are divided into two courses, one for beginners and the other for advanced users.
The course for beginners focuses on the generation of waves, guiding the student in the process of creating meshes, defining boundary conditions for wave generation, obtaining results and representing them. The course includes the generation of waves in 2D and 3D numerical wave flumes, as well as the simulation of waves breaking on slopes.
The second course, aimed at advanced users familiar with wave generation using IHFOAM tools and the OpenFOAM environment, includes a series of tutorials for the simulation of wave interaction with coastal structures including rubble-mound breakwaters, fixed offshore structures and multi-body floating structures. The course is also combined with the generation of irregular waves.
The tutorials are self-explanatory and contain all the necessary information to reproduce the cases and run the simulations.
Tutorials will be updated frequently and new tutorials will be included in the following months. Specific tutorials can be created on demand.
Please, note that there are also scheduled courses and on-site training available. Next course will be schedule by October and announced soon.

tutorial 1: Regular waves in empty channel (2D)

tutorial 2: Regular waves in empty basin (3D)

tutorial 7: Random waves interaction on the pile group of base foundation of a bridge (3D)