Schedule, Pricing, Booking
The course will take place at IHCantabria´s facilities (Santander-Spain)
The course will be delivered in English.
IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT: Participants are requested to bring their own laptops and ensure that they are able to boot using a Live USB.
Registration fee (taxes not included):
– Regular: 1000€ per attendant (Beginners or Advanced. Both courses 1500€ [25% discount]) .
– Academia: 750€ per attendant (Beginners or Advanced. Both courses 1250€ [16% discount]) .
Registration includes the live USB distribution and printed course materials.
- Save your seat by sending us an email:
- Payment details wil be forwarded you after your booking.
Contents of the course
Introduction to coastal engineering processes.
- Introduction to numerical modelling of waves and active wave absorption.
- Start-to-end methodology.
- Advanced mesh generation with OpenFOAM® native tools.
- Applications to 2D and 3D processes:
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Wave generation and active wave absorption
- Run-up
- Mesh deformation and dynamic mesh refinement.
- Wave interaction with porous structures.
- Wave interaction with floating structures.
- Visualize computed results using ParaView® and tailored post-processing tools especially designed for coastal engineering applications.
Learning objectives
After completing the course you will be able to:
- Set up, simulate and post-process a large variety of cases.
- Simulate surf zone hydrodynamics processes and wave interaction with coastal structures including three-dimensional random sea states and considering conventional or non conventional coastal structures.
- Analyse functionality and stability of coastal structures: wave reflection and transmission, wave run-up on coastal structures, wave dissipation, overtopping discharge, wave induced forces and moments.
- Apply advanced techniques as mesh movement or mesh refinement.
- Visualize your results using ParaView® and create videos of them.
What you get
- IHFOAM-solvers source code
- IHFOAM-GUI code.
- New three-dimensional wave generation and active wave absorption boundary conditions source code
- Detailed step-by-step tutorials
- Preprocessing tools
- Universal postprocessing tools (Linux/Mac/Windows)
- A set of benchmark cases
Teaching staff
Iñigo J. Losada (Full Professor, IHCantabria) @ResearchGate
Javier L. Lara (Associate Professor, IHCantabria) @ResearchGate
Maria Maza (Associate Researcher, IHCantabria) @ResearchGate
Gabriel Barajas Ojeda (CFD Modeler, IHCantabria) @ResearchGate